The Journy Feed on The Vital Importance of Consuming Real Food for Optimal Health and Wellness (Copy)

Today’s Health and Wellness Reflection is on the reality of what you’re consuming. Intended to be more reflective than directive, this post doesn’t mean to dictate what we consume but it does aim to challenge our perspectives on food. It may be unpopular to truly digest this and confront this personally but we are absolutely what either we decide or allow others to decide what we consume. Yes, that includes what we eat, how we “nourish” ourselves or simply quell our hunger pain. Remember, we are real people who deserve to consume genuine food as much as we deserve genuine relationships. And in regards to our bodies we absolutely become inward and outward projections of what we eat, right? Isn’t the math simple: Eat more real = look, feel, and move like a real human being. Consume more processed items (not true food) = look, feel, and move like we’re human experiments in a science project. So let’s stop and ask ourselves: How often am I consuming REAL food vs processed things obfuscating themselves on grocery shelves as food fit for consumption?

Now, in the modern age it's easy to get caught up in the convenience of processed food choices (more yellow 5 please, thanks). And surely there’s a place to enjoy the spoils of life right? Yes! However the goal is balance in all things right? Look, taking a moment to reflect on the impact of our dietary habits is crucial for our overall health and well-being. Real food, in its natural state, isn’t just a powerful source of essential nutrients. It is the source of essential nutrients. 

Ask Yourself:

If I opened my fridge and cabinets right now, would the preponderance of the items I find be classified as REAL food? Some of us have stocked fridges, freezers, and cabinets, but no food at all. 


As Michael Pollan wisely said, "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." Embracing real food and consuming it mindfully can lead to profound positive changes in our physical and mental health.


I commit to prioritizing real food in my diet, understanding that nourishing my body with wholesome nutrients is an act of self-love and care.

Today’s Health and Wellness Thursday Action/Decision List:

1.Listen to Journy’s Health or Fitness Meditations.

2. Today, relook at your incorporation of a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into my meals.

3. If shopping this week, take the time to read labels carefully. Be mindful of processed and artificial ingredients when shopping for groceries, opting for products with minimal additives.

4. Decide to limit processed foods by gradually reducing the consumption of processed foods, such as sugary snacks and fast food, in favor of healthier alternatives.

5. Decide to minimize added sugars by reducing the intake of added sugars. Instead, choose natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup when needed.


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The Journy Feed on The Vital Importance of Consuming Real Food for Optimal Health and Wellness